在 鐵龍行 ,我們嚴格控制汽車報廢程序,以展示專業。我們的服務包括汽車報廢處理,也被稱為廢車回收或車輛回收,以及在香港各地進行零件回收。被拆卸的零件主要出口至海外買家,剩餘材料則被加工成廢鐵。請放心,我們嚴格遵守所有法律法規,以防止任何非法活動。作為一家持牌公司,我們保證提供最高價格並提供安全、經驗豐富的服務。我們的服務適用於所有類型的車輛,包括私家車、摩托車和卡車。如需協助,請通過 WhatsApp 聯繫我們的 24 小時熱線:97626859。
經過忠實客戶的持續支持, 鐵龍行 多年來一直是回收和報廢汽車行業中值得信賴的名字,服務於大型汽車經銷商和小型汽車公司。
作為政府批准的持牌汽車回收公司, 鐵龍行 一直致力於提高我們車輛的回收率,並在香港各區提供服務。您可以彈性選擇最適合您的時間和地點。我們確保及時現金結算,並為您準備了所有必要文件以供您方便。如需即時協助,只需通過 WhatsApp 將您車輛的圖片發送至 97626859,我們將迅速回覆報價。
With the continuous support from our loyal customers, MALIKS has been a trusted name in the recycling and scrap car industry for numerous years, serving both major car dealerships and smaller automotive businesses.
In an exciting development, we have now launched an innovative online car valuation platform, offering recycling and scrap car services directly to the public. Our aim is to earn the trust and loyalty of our valued customers and establish ourselves as the top choice in car recycling.
As an officially licensed car recycling company approved by the government, MALIKS has been dedicated to enhancing the recycling rates for our vehicles and providing services across all districts of Hong Kong. You have the flexibility to choose the time and location that suits you best. We ensure prompt cash settlements and have all necessary documentation ready for your convenience. For immediate assistance, simply send us pictures of your vehicle via WhatsApp at 97626859 for a quick quote response
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